It might be a little tacky, but it’s just so fun!

One of the most special things about living this particular type of farm life is being able to be connected with our customers on a personal level. You share in a lot of the fun, the heartache, the struggles, and the joys of what we do in order to raise good, clean food for folks in the Ark-La-Tex.

Many of you have been following our work from the very beginning, and part of that journey has been to watch our kiddos grow up and become more and more involved with the farm. Every other year, we had a newborn baby at farmers market, and every other winter, my baby belly would be hiding under my coveralls and farm jacket! God has truly blessed us with sweet children to raise up on the farm!

Well, most of you know we’re expecting again, and baby #5 (aka Future Farm Hand) should be landing any day now! In fact, I’m officially due TODAY, but if this baby follows the pattern of all 4 of the other ones, it may very well be another week and a half before he/she actually arrives!

So we thought we’d have some fun, even if it is a little silly, since so many folks keep asking if baby has arrived yet. How about a fun little contest to see who can guess the actual birthdate? We’ll draw a name from among all the folks that guess the correct date, and one clever winner will get $25 worth of farm store credit to use with their next order. Remember—we still don’t ship! So if you’re not local but still want to play and you happen to win, you can pass your credit on to someone you know in our area, or we’ll just draw another name.

We set the contest up as a survey (don’t worry—the results only come to us), so click on this link to cast your vote for what day baby will arrive. Then watch Facebook and our email newsletter for the official announcement, and we’ll contact the winner after we do the drawing!

We appreciate your prayers for a safe and complication-free delivery. We are looking forward to meeting this precious new person!

Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need

6 thoughts on “It might be a little tacky, but it’s just so fun!

  1. Nancy Victory

    I think she will be born on Saturday, March 10. If I win, it’s ok if you want to name her after me.

  2. Pingback: Meet Baby Daniel Luther! - Shady Grove RanchShady Grove Ranch

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