A NEW Saturday drop in Longview starting March 9!

Have you ever been stuck in a rut and just couldn’t find a way out of it? 

Matt and I were laughing about how self-evident some solutions are… and yet, until someone thinks of a solution for the first time, it simply didn’t exist before! Like the wheel. What a simple and yet oh-so-revolutionary machine! How could someone NOT think of it? But there was definitely a time when wheels didn’t exist, and then, suddenly, someone thought if it. Could you imagine life without wheels? Too bad we don’t know who it was to thank!

Our idea isn’t as revolutionary as the wheel… but we think it will really help you and us!

We’ve got the green light to add a once-a-month Saturday drop in Longview. Actually it will be every 4 weeks, piggybacking off our Shreveport route that day. 

You see… we have limited resources as a small, family-run farm. The more days “off farm” we spend, the harder it is to make progress on things like our farm store, veggie gardens, orchards, etc, and all the other big plans we have bouncing around upstairs. But we know how hard it can be to access real food. We were eaters, once, too! A few years back, we started offering our drop services in Longview, Tyler, Marshall, and Shreveport, and they have been a wonderful tool to help meet people halfway in their journey to obtaining pasture-raised meats and eggs (and all the other good stuff we’ve added since then!). 

We’ve been brainstorming ideas for how to further serve our customers without driving up the cost of our products. For many, the biggest hurdle is just GETTING the product. Sure, we could go crazy and ship or do home delivery or buy a drone and fly it to your house or maybe even hire a stork! 😉 But we’re trying to keep things cost-effective with respect to our farm’s size.

Thus was born the idea of the Saturday Longview drop. It was almost a “duh” moment, to be honest. Why did we not think of this before? 

It will be in the same place as usual–behind Bowen Chiropractic on 259 north, just north of Ellis Pottery, and right next door to Rumours Salon. It will be at 2:00 in the afternoon every 4 Saturdays. We’ll test it out and see how it goes for the next 6 months or so. (I have a suspicion from reading survey responses that it’s going to go great!)

So starting March 9, we hope to see you there! Ordering is open and will be treated independently from the original Longview drop (on the 2nd Thursday of the month, which we will keep doing, so no need to change your routine if the current one works for you). Same rules apply–orders are always due 2 days before the drop. If you need to make changes or switch to a different drop, you must do so prior to the deadline for either drop. Remember, this is not a market–we only bring what you order. Browse our online store and add things all month right up until the deadline. Once that passes, we pack up your things and generate your invoice. Then you just come by the drop site and pick up. Easy peasy!

You are welcome to use BOTH drops if a twice-a-month drop works best for you, but keep in mind that you will have to switch the drop location over before ordering–our system doesn’t allow two open orders at once. Also, because the two schedules are independent of each other (one is set to a certain day of the month, the other is set to go every 4 weeks no matter what date), you may find that the dates occasional fall rather close to one another. Such is the nature of a 7 day week and a 30/31-day month! Trust us… it makes our schedule complicated, too! 😉 But we figure having two targets to hit per month with be easier on everyone, especially for those who have weekday conflicts.

In spite of a little bit of complexity, we think it will work great. We look forward to seeing you there!

Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need

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