The Forgotten Flap

We changed butchers a while back, and just like moving to a new town, the habits and names for things vary from meat packer to meat packer. So from this new butcher, we got this new cut back from our grass-fed cows called Flap Steak.

Before we started farming, I was like any grocery-store shopper, and was only vaguely familiar with the various cuts of meat available. So it was a whole new world when we started raising our own cows for food. It was like learning a new language: Pike’s Peak, Loin Tip, Loin Strip, Flank, Filet, and… Flap!

When I stocked it for the first time, I had a couple of customers get really excited because they knew what it was already, and a few others that are willing to try just about anything. But to the rest like myself, it was just one of many choices that seemed to involve a learning curve, and so was reserved for a less busy day that never came.

And you know, at our house, we often use the “weird” stuff or things that get damaged and can’t be sold, and there seems to always be plenty of that. But sometimes you just want a good batch of fajitas for supper.

So I finally decided to try it myself.

I had intended to marinate it like fajita meat and either grill it or pan-sear it (because Matt’s the Griller at our house, and he doesn’t often have time to fire it up with all the evening chores that have to be done).

But I got busy that week, but the meat was already thawed and waiting in the fridge…

So I did the irreverent thing and put it in the crockpot.

You can’t do that with a fajita steak! You’re supposed to grill it!!

I know, I know. But it was either that or dinner at 9pm!

We wanted fajitas but never did get around to making that marinade, so in went the fajita spices—chopped bell pepper and onion, minced garlic, and plenty of cumin and salt. I hoped it wouldn’t turn to mush. I do like a good, bitey fajita!

It was perfect! So perfect, in fact, that we ate it all before anyone thought to snap a picture.

My untrained culinary review? Flap Steak offers an ideal balance of tenderness and texture, and is robust enough to stand up to slow-cooking. It has amazing flavor, and the best part was we got our fajitas with so very little effort on my part. Because you all know we stay busy here at the farm!

Anyway, I just wanted to share that with you in case you’re feeling adventurous but still want a very easy meal. Try Flap Steak on our next round of deliveries to East Texas and Shreveport!

And for just such an occasion, I’ve created a fun new category for our online ordering system showcasing the newest items we’ve added to our repertoire. Look for lots more as the summer progresses. I have a surprise for you coming very soon!

Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need

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