Will this get you back into the kitchen?

We want to help you get back into the kitchen!

It’s been a CRAZY month so far! Matt took a brief trip to the American Pastured Poultry Producers Association meeting for larger scale producers (apparently we qualify! 😉 ). It was a great time of gaining insight on our production practices and thinking about our future in raising the best chicken (and eggs and turkey and pork and beef…) in the world! But somebody had to stay home and mind the farm… Guess who that somebody was!




This photo was taken during my “training tour” at the northernmost border of the paddock, a lowland section that Matt plans to turn into a runoff collecting pond someday. 

My care-taking responsibilities certainly weren’t fulfilled without help, though! Boaz helped with egg collection duties (because that really is a circus with four little kids in tow!), and the Grandparents (Bailey and Bobbi) helped watch kiddos while I trekked through a HUGE pig paddock to make sure the 170+ pastured porkers weren’t going to mutiny while Boss Man was away. When he got home, Matt said something to the effect of, “Well, everything is still in one piece!” Did he expect anything less??

All I can say is that I am grateful for my hard-working hubby and glad that he’s back to managing the outdoor half of the ranch.

Meanwhile… I’ve been working on some things of my own in the spare moments of quiet between homeschooling, packing eggs, and managing the farm sales. 

As I observe the food trends in our nation, particularly in the Ark-La-Tex, I gather that the plight of many families struggling to take control of their diet and their health is made more difficult in two ways:

  1. They lack the knowledge and skill to cook homemade meals.
  2. They lack the time/money/planning skills to obtain the needed ingredients.

Cook-at-Home Challenge

If that’s you, I want to issue a new challenge to you. I want to equip you to get back into the kitchen and to start the journey toward truly from-scratch meals with wholesome ingredients. And the best part is that these meals cost less than $4 per serving, and that’s being very generous with serving size and ingredient cost. It is likely the real-life cost is under $3 per serving, depending on prices for extra stuff and how much your family actually eats.

For the 4 weeks following our free February deliveries in Tyler, Longview, Marshall, and Shreveport, we want you to commit to making two homemade dinners per week (8 meals total). For partakers of the challenge, I’m going to supply a shopping list, a planning strategy, cost analysis, and recipes.

All you have to do is place an order with us for the pre-packaged Cook-at-Home Bundle, and run to your local grocery store to pick up any additional ingredients that you don’t have in your pantry (but you probably have most of what you need already!). 

My hope is to encourage and equip you to start 2017 by providing your family with delicious, nourishing, and affordable meals that you make in your very own kitchen.

Are you ready to get back into the kitchen?

Check out the bundle here, and if you’re ready, go ahead and order!

Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need

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