We lost all the small birds!
You’re going to laugh. We ran out of little chickens! Other than a couple remaining 3-pounder birds, all we have is our December stock of whole birds, ranging from Really Big (4.5 lb) to Huge (5+ lb)–at least that’s what I’ve been able to find in the boxes so far. The good news is, though, that they are juicy as well as plump, and we’re going to run a sale when you buy 2 Big Birds through the end of March! Cook once… eat a bunch!
What’s with Big Bird?
Well, this is supposed to be a brief update. Basically, we have switched to a more forage-friendly breed of broiler (say that five times fast) called the Freedom Ranger. Compared to the conventional breed, Cornish Cross, the Rangers are more active and produce more dark meat–that’s good for our leg-loving customer base! Yum! But they’re huge…
Cook-at-Home Challenge Continues
Last month we started an initiative to equip readers to get back into the kitchen. We had about a dozen takers, and a few more besides that who planned to use the (free) recipes for the meats they already had in their home freezer. I LOVE helping folks get back into the kitchen more often, and away from processed foods.
My biggest piece of advice for Real Eating is this: Keep it simple. Don’t feel that you have to doctor everything up with a million exotic ingredients. If you eat a crockpot chicken twice a month that you created out of real, recognizable, non-chemical ingredients–that is major progress! Do it again this month with our easy Cook-at-Home Challenge, newly renovated to accommodate the Giant Chickens we have in stock… and accounting for that two-huge-chicken sale I mentioned. 🙂
I hope you’ll join in again, or for the first time, on the Cook-at-Home Challenge.
Where’s the beef??
You have probably noticed our rather sparse inventory of grass-fed beef. We’re right at the tail end of the winter grass season, waiting for the days to get longer and temps higher so the grass can really take off and finish out our beef.
This is where the rubber meets the road for true supporters of farm-to-fork. Sometimes there are just shortages of things, and when you improvise and use other cuts in place of traditional choices, or even redo your menu to include what’s “in season,” just for the sake of eating really-pasture-raised and supporting your farmer in the off-season, it helps us to keep producing the best meats and eggs in East Texas.
If you need help with substitution ideas, feel free to write me! I’m happy to try to help you get more real food into your kitchen!
We still have a good amount of hamburger and chuck roast, and even some filet, strip, and sirloin (on sale!), so enjoy it while it lasts! We expect to process beef around the end of March. Until then, shop what’s in stock!

Matt often asks for volunteers during evening egg collection, and Axl and Tevka are usually quick to join him. They are getting really good at not dropping the eggs!
Celebrate Local This Saturday in Longview!
We’re excited to partner with Jack’s Natural Foods in Longview, this Saturday only! We’ll have a tasting set up there from 10 to around 1, at this exciting Customer Appreciation Event. Come by and see me during the lunch hour, or at least drop by before they close at 5 to enjoy discounts and freebies. (Matt will be at the ranch building our farm store!) Bring a friend and let them taste REAL FOOD, too!
March Delivery Rounds
Bye, bye, February! Our March deliveries to area towns start next week. Go ahead and get your order in early! Sirloin Steak is still on sale, and we have a few more Smoked Carving Hams. See what’s in stock and what’s on sale. We’ll send area-specific reminders the Monday of each delivery week.
- Tyler: Thurs, March 2 at 11:30 on Dennis Dr.
- Shreveport: Sat, March 4 at 11 on Line Ave
- Longview: Thurs, March 9 at 10:30 behind Bowen Chiropractic
- Marshall: Thurs, March 9 at noon at Buchanan Feed
- Texarkana: Thurs, March 16 at 10:30 on Irongate Dr.
- Shreveport: Sat, March 18 at 11 on Line Ave.
- Jefferson: Pickup any time at the ranch by appointment!
If our local delivery options don’t work for you, we sell in LOTS of local stores. Check out our website under the Locations tab to see what’s where!
Thank YOU for supporting our farming adventures and choosing real food for your family. We couldn’t do this without you!
Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need