Category Archives: Farming

Beef and pork restocked!

We’ve officially restocked beef and pork for the winter, so now’s your chance to stuff that freezer full with your favorite cuts. We have pretty much everything, so give us a call or send an email to place you order.

Also, next month we are hoping to roll out a very special surprise, so be sure you (and your friends!) are on our email newsletter list. You can sign up here.

Last beef processing of 2011!

Calling all bulk beef orders! We are bringing our last batch of cows for the year in on October 24th. Please place orders by Oct. 23rd to stock up on bulk beef.

For those of you with limited freezer space or budget, we will be offering beef, pork, and chicken throughout the winter season for as long as they last. Just call or email to place an order.

Shreveport Delivery Arrangements

We are working to provide a solution for Shreveport-area customers receiving off-season orders while the Shreveport Farmers Market is closed. Our first delivery is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, September 29th from 3-5 pm. Location TBA. Please sign up for our newsletter to be informed of exact details by clicking the “Newsletter” tab above. Orders will be due Wednesday, September 28th by 12pm. We will be bringing pre-orders only.

Wildfire update

Many of you tried to contact us during the wildfires in east Texas last week (and this week…). Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers and offers for help. We have returned to the farm and are in the process of resuming normal life, including providing you with an update. The cows are currently being transported back to Shady Grove Ranch from a colleague’s farm in Longview, and we humans are settling back in, figuring out where we left off.

We are happy to report that nothing of major value was lost–not one chicken, pig, cow, turkey, bale of hay, building, or piece of equipment. Our most significant losses were fences, pasture, and trees. Most of our property did burn, but God really had His hand on our operation. It was stressful to say the least, and very hard work for Matt and Bailey, who came back to the farm to fight the fire around the house, but it seems that it’s almost over. Now we are praying for rain to stop the remaining fires and to stimulate new growth of our burned pastures. The smoke is almost gone, and we are safe.

The fires aren’t over yet–in fact, we still hear planes and choppers flying nearby to try to stop the rest of the fires. We were affected by the Bear Creek fire that spread from Cass County. So far it has burned 50,000 acres and is still not totally contained.

Here are some pictures taken of our farm during the fires. There is also a video of a chopper that spent much of Wednesday dropping water on our pastures. We appreciate the tireless efforts of all the firefighters and rescue personnel. We are praying that God will send substantial rain soon to bring us out of this drought!


Video: Water Chopper

Some new stuff to check out…

We made it back safely from our mini-vacation, and things ran fairly smoothly on the farm. Now it’s back to work as the hot weather winds down (we hope!) and we prepare for the winter season.

Check out our new sampler, the Ritzy Roaster, and the long-awaited downloadable price list! We also updated our online price listings so they’re a little easier to use. You can now find all our samplers listed on one page for easy comparison. Please keep in mind that our prices are subject to change, given the nature of farming and our dependency on weather/predator protection/feed and hay prices/etc. Our online prices and selection are the most up-to-date.

And last but not least, we have added a field to our newsletter sign-up so we can send you emails relevant to where you are located. Please sign up or update your subscription here.

Our latest adventure…

We’re in the middle of an exciting construction project… building a walk-in freezer! This will allow us to store our pasture-raised products in a central location (by the way, phase two is a little on-farm store!), and will enable Matt to stand upright inside while he’s moving things around! Most freezers are only 6 feet tall inside, so our 6-foot-five farm brainiac has to stoop down while he’s organizing. This freezer will be 8′ inside. He’s happy about that.

Check out the pictures of our progress so far!


Image 1 of 52

Digging holes in 100+ degree weather really makes you want to show off your muscles...

Welcome to Shady Grove Ranch in Jefferson, Texas!

Check out our current chicken sale!

Download the Shady Grove Ranch Brochure

We are Shady Grove Ranch (SGR) from Jefferson, Texas, and we are proud to offer the best pasture-raised products you can find! Our products include grass-fed beef, pastured-pork, really-free-range-chickens, yard eggs, pastured turkeys, and occasionally some veggies (if we have extras). We also sell some of the farm products we use, including soy-free, certified organic, third-party tested GMO-free livestock feeds (layer, broiler, dairy, swine grower, and sow feed), and livestock minerals (Redmond Sea Salt, kelp, and several products produced by Agri-Dynamics).

We welcome you to inspect our practices to ensure they fit with your values on how food is fit to be raised. We think you’ll like what you find: no chemicals, no routine medications, no hormones, no inappropriate feeds, no genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and no confinement. We’re good to our land and our animals so that we can harvest the best tasting, most nutritious, and most sustainable foods that east Texas has to offer. Come see, taste, and experience what farming really is!

Want to come see the farm? We welcome visits. Check our our hours page for details. Visits by appointment only, please.


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