The Forgotten Flap

We changed butchers a while back, and just like moving to a new town, the habits and names for things vary from meat packer to meat packer. So from this new butcher, we got this new cut back from our grass-fed cows called Flap Steak.

Before we started farming, I was like any grocery-store shopper, and was only vaguely familiar with the various cuts of meat available. So it… ... Continue reading

Becoming an Eggspert Isn’t Easy

This Egg-ing Thing is Tough!

We’ve been raising laying chickens for going on 9 years now, and we find that the more we learn, the more there is to learn!

Early Lessons in Raising Eggs on Pasture

For example, one of the early lessons we learned is if you suddenly switch feeds on your hens, their bodies panic and they quit laying eggs and start making new feathers (aka molting)… ... Continue reading | 4 Comments

The Right Knife

The Right Knife

There’s nothing more challenging than cooking in someone else’s kitchen! You don’t know where anything is, and you often lack specialized cooking equipment that you’ve come to love and depend on. But the worst, once you’ve experienced cooking with good knives, is cooking with bad knives!

Do you have bad knives?

I house-sat for about a week many years… ... Continue reading | 5 Comments

A Farm Adventure for Everyone

There’s a really neat opportunity coming up next weekend here at the ranch. We’re hosting another one of our fun farm tours… but there’s more!

Last month, we had around 30 guests come visit with us to hear about our journey back to health from autoimmune disease using food as medicine. Every tour is different, and during the last one, our visitors got to pet the farm kitties, take a… ... Continue reading | 2 Comments

2018 Turkey Season

Turkey Season Begins in 2018

It’s that time again—farmers have to talk turkey really early in the game because there are so many steps to raising a delicious Really-Pasture-Raised bird, and we raise a limited number each year and want to make sure you get the bird you want for your special holiday occasion. We raise turkeys for folks in the Ark-La-Tex who appreciate the quality of a truly pasture-raised… ... Continue reading

It might be a little tacky, but it’s just so fun!

One of the most special things about living this particular type of farm life is being able to be connected with our customers on a personal level. You share in a lot of the fun, the heartache, the struggles, and the joys of what we do in order to raise good, clean food for folks in the Ark-La-Tex.

Many of you have been following our work from the very… ... Continue reading | 6 Comments

Egg Processing with the Whole Family

I’m not sure what people envision exactly, when they think about the modern farm family’s daily farming tasks. It varies widely from farm to farm, of course, but for us, one task that we do very frequently together is collect and process eggs from our mobile-pastured hens. It’s a little more complicated than just scooping up a few “cackleberries” and putting… ... Continue reading | 3 Comments

Winter Babies & Farm Fun

Late Winter Update

It seems like it gets busier at the farm every year! I suppose I should consider the fact that we’re growing, both in our farming ventures and in our family size, so of course it follows that we ought to be busier! In fact, we’re counting down the days until Cad-baby #5 arrives! I’m officially due in about 3 weeks, so it won’t be long! Unless this… ... Continue reading | 1 Comment

3 Simple Ways to Eat Healthier in the New Year

Three Simple Ways to Eat Healthier in the New Year

Now’s the time, right? You’re sick of sweets and ready and motivated to eat better. Don’t get overwhelmed by the elaborate meal plans and complicated recipes one sees “out there” these days. Don’t go crazy trashing everything in your pantry and fridge and leaving the family hungry and tempted to grab a pizza on the way home.

Instead, gently… ... Continue reading