Introducing the “Shady Deal” – Pasture-Raised Chicken and Pork Shoulder Roast

We thought it would be fun to start doing a monthly special. What more appropriate name than a “Shady Deal” offered by Shady Grove Ranch?

This month (February), the Shady Deal is 5% off the purchase of a soy-free pasture-raised chicken and a soy-free pasture-raised pork shoulder roast. Both of these cuts can be prepared in the crockpot, oven, or on the stove-top. They also both come from monogastric animals that are raised totally outdoors in the sunshine, meaning their body fat is laden with great nutrients such as vitamin A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. Enjoy!

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Our family was privileged to attend this year’s American Pastured Poultry Producer’s Association Conference in Dallas. It was three days of wonderful networking and sharpening of farming minds. If you’re a farmer type, we highly recommend attending. If you’re a beginner, it’s an ocean of information to drink in as fast as you can. If you’re a middle-experience farmer, it’s an opportunity to gain the knowledge you need

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